Sunday, February 20, 2011


This weekend we went to Cotopaxi, the 2nd biggest volcano in Ecuador, it's known for it's amazing views from the top and all around the base of it. As we entered the park, we could see that volcanic rock covered the ground and it started getting much cooler. By the time we made it to the trail head, we were all covered up in much warmer clothes and snow covered the ground. It was really amazing to see the drop in temperature as we climbed, by the time we all reached the Refugio, we we're all craving hot tea so we could warm up. The Refugio was the farthest we could all go without having any serious equipment, and it's honestly as far as any of us wanted to go after reaching the Refugio. Here's a few pictures that we took along the way.
This is Cotopaxi after we had been driving away for almost an hour. It's rarely this clear, so we were lucky to visit on a day like this.

This is where we started our hike to the Refugio, a 1,000ft climb to an elevation of 15,748ft.

This is a group shot at the Laguna at the bottom of Cotopaxi.

This is half way into out 1,000ft climb, we could see everything from up there.

This is a shot down the steep trail we had to hike to get to the Refugio.

This is after we made it to the Refugio, celebration with a fist pump shot.

This is me working my way back down.

Another group shot at the trail head.

This is a random shot that I thought turned out pretty cool.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This is the room that I'm living in for my stay in Ecuador.

This is a group shot from the Mindo forest. The girls decided to bring The Brady Bunch to the jungle.

This is me at Mitad del Mundo (middle of the world). They had a line painted there that represented the equator. Supposedly, toilets flush in opposite directions on either side of the line. They had a demonstration, but I'm not sure I'm convinced.

This is another picture that I thought was pretty cool from the Mindo forest.

This is me at a hostel in Mindo on one of the tiny Ecuadorian beds. $15 a night including breakfast, can't really complain about that.

This is Kelley doing "The Robot" before we all went to bed. Ha!

And this is my foot after Goliath the Ecuadorian fell on it during a basketball game. The doctors here even put it in a cast for a few days. In this picture it almost looks like something you'd want to cut off.