Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I didn't get a chance today to take too many pictures at the school, but here are a few. The campus is four acres and everything on the four acres either has incredible landscape or incredible architecture. The big palm trees in the front are seen all over campus, they're around 4-5 feet in diameter in the trunks, they are pretty amazing to see in person. And all the hallways are open to the outdoors, see the picture below to see what I mean.

This is the front of the school.

This is one of the hallways in the school, almost all of the hallways are something like this.

This is where we eat lunch everyday. Really amazing view, I could easily get use to this.

I plan on hiking one of Ecuador's volcanos this Saturday. It's called Pichincha and it's peak elevation is 15,696 ft. So it would be about a 5,000 ft climb to the top.. which kinda dwarfs my Kennesaw Mtn. climbs. I definitely look forward to that and I'm sure I'll have plenty of cool pictures to post after that day. My next adventure after this Saturday is going to the Mindo raincloud forest. It's what I have heard about more than anything else since I have been here. It's supposed to be full of many different micro-ecosystems which are full of all kinds of different wildlife. I really look forward to that trip. I'll post more soon.


  1. That school looks awesome! Have fun on your are crazy.

  2. awesome looking school. I love how open it is! I want to hear all about the hike
